Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Se7en Movie Overview

Se7en review
Se7en is an excellent film in the thriller genre,it uses many techniques of building suspense effectively and keeping the audience guessing throughout the entire movie, with plenty of plot twists and turns, it is one of my persoanl favourite films in the thriller genre.

The particular scene I wanted to put in this blog is the 'sloth' scene, but due to copyright issues, youtube would not allow me to put that video on my blog, so instead I chose the opening title sequence. The opening titles of Se7en throw the audience right into the plot of the movie, although not known to the audience at this point, the title sequence is actually the villain in the movie and his psychopathic notes.

The camera angles in this scene are used in a very clever way, so it reveals enough to show how mad this protagonist is, but does nothing to reveal his identity to the audience at this time of the movie. The main angle used in this opening sequence is a close up shot, and several extreme close-ups of the protagonists notes and his activities, this adds more and more mystery to this person, who the audience knows nothing about right now, this captivates the audience into watching more of the film, drawing them into the plotline.

The setting and Mise-en-scene in this opening are used effectively becuase of the dark atmosphere it creates and some of the objects you can see in this opening shock the audience, for example in one of the notebooks, there is a photograph of a hand with broken fingers, this image will shock the audience but draw them into watching the film becuase they think they might find out why it is there. Becuase of the lighting in this scene being so dark, it adds a dark, threatening feeling to this opening scene, making the audience feel slightly threatened by the film already, drawing them in further in order to see the full story behind this opening scene.

All of the important parts of a thriller genre are shown just in the opening scene of this thriller, in the scene i wanted to put in this post, i felt the thriller techniques were used more effectively to building suspense, and a scare for the reader at the end of the scene, if you want to watch that scene, search "se7en sloth scene' on youtube, I beleive it is the most effective part of the film for building up suspense.

Overall the opening titles of Se7en are very effective at grabbing the audience's attention and giving a prequel to the plotline of this fantastic movie.

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