Thursday, 17 February 2011

Apocalypse now movie review

Apocalypse now (1979)
Apocalypse now is perhaps my favourite movie of all time, it is set during the vietnam war, and follows a U.S speacial forces soldier's journey through vietnam in order to find a U.S colnel that has gone mad and is working with camodian natives in his own faction, the government has decided he must be terminated of command and have chosen this special forces soldier, Capt. Willard (Martin Sheen) to do the job.

This Scene of the movie is perhaps the most memorable part of the whole film, it is one of the most iconic movie scenes in cinema history. It involves the air cavalry unit that is transporting Willard and his PBR crew accompanying him, to the Meecong delta. However, the drop off point is already occupied by the Vietcong. The air-cav form up and attack the village holding the vietcong forces, in a massive helicopter borne assault, whilst the destruction rages and the U.S forces annhialate the vietcong forces, the music blares from the command helicopter, 'Ride of the valkyries' a classicla peice that suits this scene perfectly... The audience gets a shiver down their spine as the music builds and builds up to the point when the helicopters fire and all hell breaks loose....

Due to copyright issues, youtube would not allow me to put this scene on the blog so i have posted a link below,
This is my favourite movie scene of all time, it is definately worth a watch.

The music in Apocalypse now is used perfectly, The opening credits song is one of my favourite tracks, it starts slow, with the sound of helicopters flying past, and as a huge napalm explosion bursts through the jungle, the opening lines of the song say, "this is the end...beautiful friend...." With perfect timing, it gives a real menaing to just this opening scene, 
The song here is, "the end by the Doors". Throughout the whole movie, sound is used so well, it can build suspense or it could just be background noise. 

Another scene in the movie which uses sound effectively, is when the PBR stops along the river at the last U.S army outpost before heading into enemy held territory. This scene shows how mad the vietnam war was, giving a sense to how crazy it could send the soldiers, showing a horrific side to the war. The sounds of echoing explosions, gunfire and enemy soldiers taunting the americans creates the scene beautifully. The soldiers here have all gone mad, due to the mad position they are stuck in, this whole scene draws in the audience to reveal the psychopathic part of the vietnam war.

This movie epic has very little faults, and shows so many different sides of the vietnam war, making this one of the best, most iconic war films ever created.

I will say no more on this movie, as it has to be seen to appreciate how amazing this film has been done, it is most certainly unmissable and I garuntee will be a very memorable movie to watch.

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