Saturday, 5 March 2011

Thriller influences - Platoon


Platoon is one of the most famos war filsm ever made, it is set during the Vietnam conflict and follows the story of a young G.I's experiences through the Vietnam war. This movie gave us a lot of inspiration becuase we had chosen to set our thriller in the vietnam war, and this was one of the best depictions in cinema of the Vietnam conflict. We watched the film several times and discussed different scenes that we could draw inspiration from for our own video. 

The scene shown to the right is when the U.S squad find a vietnamese village they beleive to be harbouring Vietcong guerillas, thye also see it as an oppurtunity for revenge after they lost one of their number to the Vietcong.

Although a scene like this might be good for a thriller, perhaps one from a villagers point of view escaping the Americans, who give chase to them as they fle, we felt that this would be too hard to create.

The scen that had most influences on us would be when the squad is moving through the jungle, then at night they set up camp and are ambushed by Vietcong soldiers during the night. we thought we could do something along these lines and create a jungle ambush which leaves a scar in the main characters mind.

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